VisVires New Protein

VisVires New Protein is a financial services platform that invests in innovative solutions to address the food and feed challenges. They got 7 Seed / Series A investments with follow-ons from Series B to Series C. With $210M+ total equity funding raised across portfolio companies and 800+relevant start-up companies in proprietary pipeline, they plan to launch Fund 2 soon.

Company NameVisVires New Protein
Brand NameVisVires New Protein
Year of Establishment2014
Regional CoverageSoutheast Asia
Fund Manager(s)Matthieu Vermersch
TypePrivate Equity
Target IndustriesFinTech
Valuation Sweetspot (USD)less than 10M USD
Ticket size(USD)/
Portfolio Sizeless than 10
PortfolioAleph Farms
In Ovo
Nutrition Innovation
ViAqua Therapeutics
Uptake Medical
Trade Me
Company email[email protected]

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