Storellet provides customer loyalty programmes to the food and beverage industry which helps them retain their customers and attract new members. Their clients can also provide coupons or promotion to their members and collect data to understand their consumers’ behaviours. Currently, they have over 50 brands who are partnered with them and have over 500K users.
Company Name | Crozz Limited |
Brand Name | Storellet |
Industries | Catering Software |
Year of Establishment | 2014 |
Founder(s) | Wong Wai Sang |
No. of Employees | / |
Regional Coverage | Hong Kong Vietnam India |
Clients | / |
Stage | Seed |
Investor(s) | / |
Raising Fund | / |
Pre-money valuation | / |
Post-money Valuation | / |
Fundraising target | / |
Fundraising History | 1M USD (Central Exchange - Jun 2016) |
Media Explosure | 6-10 |
Company Email | |
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